Digital Storytelling Multimedia Archive

    Digital stories are multimedia projects combining text, images, audio, and video files into short film clips. Digital stories have proven to be a powerful medium for students to represent a theoretically-informed understanding of texts and contexts in a form other than “traditional” writing.

    The Digital Storytelling Multimedia Archive represents the results of a multi-campus study of digital storytelling led by Michael Coventry (Communication, Culture and Technology) and Matthias Oppermann (Bielefeld University). The archive explores what is distinctive about the medium of digital storytelling and what implications digital storytelling can have for teaching and learning.


    On the Digital Stories Multimedia Archive site, you can view students' digital stories along with excerpts from student interviews in which they talk about their work.

    You can view some other examples of student-produced digital stories on the website for gnovis, the online journal for Georgetown's Communication, Culture & Technology program.

    Visible Knowledge Project

    The Digital Storytelling Multimedia Archive developed from the work of the Visible Knowledge Project, a multi-campus research study on teaching and learning. In all, more than seventy faculty from twenty-two institutions participated in the Visible Knowledge Project over five years. Learn more about the Visible Knowledge Project.

    Michael Coventry and Matthias Oppermann wrote an essay about the process of developing the Digital Storytelling Multimedia Archive, which you can read—along with other case studies from the Visible Knowledge Project—here.